In addition to putting on the mental armor to better protect us from stressful challenges, there is the added benefit that we are preparing ourselves for educational success. These skills and the associated learning methods, do in fact, contribute to academic success. Educators play an important role in enhancing student and family engagement, not only in academic success, but in reinforcing positive coping skills to better deal with stress.
Resilience and STEM
Few would challenge the idea that technology is changing us. Technology has quickly and dramatically changed the way we work, socialize, and communicate. Can we also look to technology to enable us to better adapt to these rapid changes? How might we look at this as educators? The following playlist provides an overview of resilience, social support, and incorporating resilience into a STEM exercise examining the Internet of Things (IoT).
A STEM Approach to Resilience
The text is intentionally organized as a series of resilience exercises intended to parallel recommendations supported by the World Health Organization for suicide prevention (Suicide, 2014). The text can serve as a lesson plan allowing the five skills to be worked as a single session or as multiple sessions depending upon your time constraints. The additional STEM component is intended to maximize classroom time by offering resilience in conjunction with a STEM exercise. A STEM Approach to Resilience PDF » GitHub: STEM-IoT-Resilience »
Resilience Reference
Printable resilience quick reference that is intended to supplement instruction. Resilience Reference PDF »
Gamified learning is an educational process of building in game elements to make learning more motivating and interesting. Our goal is to encourage social interaction and support using five skills that foster resilience. The three gamified experiences, That's the Spirit, Expectations, and Sophia's Challenge, are intended to provide personal challenges based on how much structure you want, your desired level of interaction with the content and your available time.
That's the spirit
A game of collaboration where players question and apply skills to best solve a challenge. The challenge that can be real or made-up. The players’ roles are to apply the skill set to solve the challenge through a process of questioning, problem solving and social engagement. The goal is to arrive at the most effective solution to the challenge and present it to the Challenge Holder. Most family friendly, least structured, and least time intensive experience. Download PDF | Download Flashcards
A collaborative learning experience where teams apply skills to solve challenges. Each player creates a challenge that can be real or made-up. Teams of two players attempt to solve a challenge using a selected skill. The goal is to provide solutions to each challenge using each of the skills thus providing the opportunity for everyone to explore every skill. Most structured, training oriented, and moderately time intensive experience.
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Sophia's Challenge
A collaboration where players solve challenges through storytelling. Storytelling is a social activity that provides a means for sharing and understanding experiences and values. Players, as a group, identify a challenge that can be real or made-up The players’ roles are to apply the skill set to solve the challenge through a process of questioning, problem solving and social engagement in the form of stories directed to the challenge. The goal is to arrive at the most effective solution to the selected challenge in the form of a story. Most focused on storytelling, leadership, personal legacy, and a more time intensive experience.
Download PDF | Download Flashcards | A Letter to Sophia Story
Gamification in Nursing Education
Incorporating gamification into an evidence-based resiliency curriculum in order to promote resiliency skills in nursing students and new graduate nurses -- poster session.
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A Community of One: Building Social Resilience
The lone wolf is a Hollywood myth. A healthy support system is one in which we both give and receive support. This book is about learning how to develop these crucial networks.
Purchase the Ebook:
Building Social Resilience in Nursing: A Workbook
“The goal of this workbook is to foster resilience by applying positive-coping skills to personal challenges and by developing and sustaining a social support system in the context of integrative nursing”