Positive Coping Skills
Positive Coping Skills
Positive Coping Skills
We will define resilience as the development of skills needed to manage stress in an optimal way. Protective factors include development and sustainment of social support systems, spirituality as an access to a socially supportive community, and lifestyle practices of positive coping strategies, good self-esteem, self-efficacy and effective problem solving-skills. Five resilience skills that are considered positive coping strategies. An introduction to mentoring positive coping skills to improve resilience:
Perception is shaped by belief. Changing your belief changes your perception, giving you control, inner strength and courage to make change. Your beliefs control your actions and the way you feel about something, your attitude. Belief may ask you to risk change and adjust your perception to better reflect reality.
Persistence is facing a challenge with the belief you will ultimately succeed. Persistence encourages you to make change, mark progress, and build belief in yourself.
A look at goal setting as a method for persisting with a challenge. Includes a brief literature review completed in the spring of 2016 that discusses history and process. More »
Physical strength grows from proper nutrition, exercise, relaxation and sleep. Practicing a good diet, physical exercise, relaxation, and good sleep improves physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
Health-related physical activity shows more desirable health outcomes across a variety of physical conditions. In general, exercise and physical activity are associated with better quality of life and health outcomes. More »
Empathy develops by seeking to understand what another being is experiencing from their point of view. Trust develops by reaching out to engage and provide mutual support. Develop a system of social support by identifying your personal needs, the other individuals and the roles they play, and the contributions you make to sustain the system.
Adaptability is the confidence and understanding to create and pursue a skillful outcome that best meets the challenge. Those believing they have the ability to succeed are more likely to pursue a challenge as something to be mastered rather than as a threat to be avoided. Developing the skill to best adapt to a challenge gives you confidence and control. You own it.
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A Community of One: Building Social Resilience
The lone wolf is a Hollywood myth. A healthy support system is one in which we both give and receive support. This book is about learning how to develop these crucial networks.
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Scholars in Camo
This Veterans Curriculum is purposefully designed to increase the likelihood of retention and graduation of learners in college settings by establishing an academic and social framework, which is intended to improve concentration, memory, problem solving, and learning, while minimizing social isolation.